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We believe that God uniquely gifts every student. As such, we provide numerous ways for students to participate on the court, field, stage, and more. We believe that students should have an opportunity to receive an exemplary education both in and out of the classroom, discovering their gifts, and deploying their talents in a God-honoring way.

Fine Arts


The ODCS Music Department includes three band ensembles: High School Band (marching, concert, and pep), Intermediate Band, and Band I. Our goals are to instruct and instill a love for music in students so that we may praise our Lord and Savior through the gift of music. All classes are performance-based and require practice to succeed. 


Choir is a mixed ensemble open to both boys and girls. Students learn how to sing harmony in parts and perform a variety of musical styles, performing multiple concerts each year as well as at multiple community events.


ODCS students use their God-given talents to give Him glory artistically. One of the areas they do this is in the ODCS Theatre program, which produces three productions during the academic year. Also, a summer drama camp is offered for elementary and middle-school students.

Lower School Music

Vocal instruction begins in preschool as children have special music time with a music teacher, in addition to the fun of music that happens all the time in their classroom. Kindergarten through 3rd grade students enjoy music class twice a week where they enjoy a wide range of experiences that will not only develop skills, but also promote enjoyment of and appreciation for the various media of music. Students in 4th grade are introduced to instrumental music with a recorder band.

Visual Arts

At ODCS we host three Art Shows a year: the Senior Show, the elementary show for grades K-4 and the upper school show for grades 5-12. We showcase hundreds of works of art by our students in the areas of drawing, painting, crafts, photography, and sculpture. Many of the works are displayed in the Scholastic art show, the County Art Show, the ACSI Art Show, and student AP portfolio projects. The amazing collection of high quality student art represents a year’s culmination of art principles, biblical integration, art history, and exposure to art and architecture field studies and field trips.


The Open Door Christian Schools Athletic Department seeks to support the school's mission of “​Equipping Disciples through Exemplary Education,​” while promoting academic success, achieving athletic excellence, ensuring the highest principles of sports conduct, and fostering an appreciation for God's Word.

Our purpose is to utilize the vehicle of sports to teach our athletes to be like Christ in a competitive environment where they are challenged and stretched to grow beyond what was their previously known capability. The end goal is to develop men and women in intellectual maturity, wisdom, and Christian faith that are committed to serving their church, community, and world.


Student Clubs


ODCS students in 5-8th grade are invited to participate in Robotics Club. FLL Robotics is an international competition organized for elementary and middle school students. Each year, FLL introduces a scientific and real-world challenge for teams to focus on and research. Teams participate by programming an autonomous robot to score points on a themed playing field (Robot Game) and developing a solution to a problem they have identified (Project), displaying their project at various competitions.


One of our shared values at ODCS reads: Service is an essential discipline of the Christian Faith. The service commitment at ODCS is designed to help students display compassion, love for others, and put into action what they are learning in class. Challenging the students to live out their faith practically is what ODCS is all about. The goal of the service program is for students to become aware of their responsibility to be of service to all. Adhering to this commitment, ODCS has launched the schoolwide initiative: #ODCSserves

Next Level Scholar

Students selected to participate in the Next Level Scholar program will serve as research interns within our Primary Research Center. Interns will learn the basics of professional level, primary research skills and strategies, participate in a peer revision and publication process, build professional and academic presentation skills, and begin to engage with leaders within their chosen field of research. In keeping with ODCS' mission, students chosen for this program will be encouraged to bring their unique gifts and talents to each research team. The collaborative process will strengthen their final product and build on each participant's understanding of an individual's role and capacity within the broader Kingdom of God.

ODCS Press

ODCS Press is Open Door Christian School's Online Newspaper. High School students in Modern Media class create content as part of their coursework. In addition to interviews, school news, announcements and sports coverage, students also work on learning special effects and movie production.



ODCS has an online SpiritWear store where you can purchase apparel all year long!

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