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Denver Daniel

President of Open Door Christian Schools

Denver is a career educator who has served as the President of Open Door Christian Schools since 2013. He is passionate about creating a school culture where Christ is known across every touchpoint of a student's experience. He serves as a consultant to numerous Christian schools and has served on the ACSI Accreditation Commission, where he was the Chairperson of the Midwest: East Region. Denver holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Cleveland State University, two master’s degrees: one in educational administration from Cleveland State University and the other in biblical studies from Liberty University and a Doctorate in Educational Ministry from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he specialized in Christian Education and Discipleship. He also is credentialed as a Colson Fellow from the Colson Institute, a ministry that explores the Christian worldview in the present culture.

Before ODCS, Dr. Daniel worked for eighteen years in public education as a teacher, principal, and system leader and as a bi-vocational pastor assisting in student ministry and, ultimately, the entire congregation. During that time, he was awarded the Life Achievement Award from the National Parent Teachers Association, given for his student advocacy.

Of all the blessings and opportunities that the Lord has given, Denver counts none more spectacular than being the husband to his beautiful wife Dawn and father to three incredible children and their spouses. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 3:8, "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ" (ESV).



  • Profile Photo

    Denver Daniel

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    Greg Deckerd

    Director of Development
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    Kevan Ford

    Director of Advancement
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    Susan Schrodt

    Director of Finance

Upper School (5-12th Grade)

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    Jayson Bendik

    Upper School Principal
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    Jeremy Grove

    Director of Student Services
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    Kyro Taylor

    Upper School Assistant Principal

Elementary School (K-4th Grade)

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    Angie Lowe

    Elementary School Principal


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    Dawn Daniel

    Preschool Director