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Open Door Christian Schools (ODCS), founded in 1976, is a premier co-educational, college preparatory school serving Christian families in Northern Ohio. Our mission is to equip disciples through exemplary education. With an enrollment of over 750 students in preschool, elementary, middle, and high school, ODCS is the largest Christian school between Cleveland and Toledo, drawing many students from various denominations.

The mission of Open Door Christian Schools, our shared values, and Patriot Principles serve to communicate our purpose in a manner easy to be grasped by our school community. Our mission shares our purpose. Our shared values provide further definition to the mission, putting feet to the mission and moving it from a statement to a shared experience. Finally, our Patriot Principles serve to categorize our shared values to help our students, families, and staff recall the guiding principles that propel us forward.

Open Door Christian Schools embraces our mission of “Equipping Disciples Through Exemplary Education.” In this mission, we identify Open Door Christian Schools as a discipleship-based ministry that focuses on making Christ known throughout every touchpoint of a student’s experience. This mission is carried out in a Christian environment that is focused on educating the whole student: spiritually, academically, athletically, artistically, and in service.

We do this by acknowledging that the Lord needs space to move in our students’ lives, as transformation only occurs with His presence and blessing (Psalms 127:1). God has commissioned us to make disciples of our students (Matthew 28:20). Therefore, our efforts focus on creating and aligning opportunities for students to meet, grow and know Jesus throughout their education.

In achieving our mission, our students will become disciples who practice justice, mercy, and faithfulness, as defined by God through His word, in their school experience and beyond (Matthew 23:23).

To further define our mission, we commit to these shared values that serve to guide every effort to ensure Open Door Christian Schools continually places Christ as the center of our instruction and students are being trained to be well-formed disciples of Him.

We teach and model to students that everyone needs an authentic and personal relationship with God thru Jesus Christ. (John 3:3; John 14:6)

We develop the God-given uniqueness of each student to the fullest potential. (Psalms 139:14; Ephesians 2:10)

We live our lives with a Biblical worldview and develop our students to do the same. (Romans 12:2; Colossians 2:8)

We live in Christian community that demonstrates our love to the Lord and to one another. (Matthew 22:37-39; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, 1 Peter 4:10)

We partner with the family and local church towards the education and spiritual growth of our students. (Deuteronomy 6:4-8; Ephesians 4:11-16)

We train our students to embrace a life of service in the name of Christ. (Colossians 3:17; Philippians 2:5)

We provide a rigorous academic process that prepares students to attend the college of their choice. (Philippians 1:9,10; Titus 2:7; Proverbs 22:29)

Our four Patriot Principles serve to capture the shared values of ODCS in a manner that can be remembered by our parents and students.


Our education develops a proper understanding of God as shared through His word and His desire through relationship to prepare us for a life that is filled with purpose and meaning.


Our quest at ODCS is to support our students in the discovery of their God-given uniqueness and abilities. Each student matters and we desire to know and prepare them well.


Our lives were not created to be lived in a vacuum. As a result, our education at ODCS is designed to give rich opportunities to cultivate vibrant relationships both in the present and in the future.


Our education prepares students with the necessary content for the next of their lives along with the instruction that we have a responsibility to use that content to serve God, family and our community.

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